Savannah Engineers
Drum B modifications were complete in October 2008, and Drum A is planned to be completed early 2009.
BHP, Mt Whaleback Operation, Newman.
A$ 2 Million
Project Description:
Dwyer Engineering and Construction completed all fabrication works associated with the upgrade of Drum B, which is part of a concentrator unit, located at BHP’s Whaleback plant.
The upgrade involved replacement of Drum Sinks and Floats Equipment, followed by replacement of Drum B Separator and Centre Launder, and Drum B Feeders and Feed Preps.
Dwyer Engineering completed all structural and mechanical detailing, supply, fabrication, surface treatment and delivery to site of all components. Specifically, the project involved removal of the existing Humboldt screens, underpans, launders, oversize discharge chutes, walkways, platforms and associated supporting steel work, and installing new screens, underpans, launders, oversize discharge chutes, walkways, platforms and associated supporting steel work. The underpans are lined with polyutherine/polyurathane, while the launders are lined with 100mm thick ceramic tiles.
Drum B modifications were complete in October 2008, and Drum A is planned to be completed early 2009.